Change Comes for the Piscean

Acrylic and pencil crayon on canvas paper

9 x 12"

Change Comes For The Piscean is a reflection on loss in all its grievances and chaos. I examined a variety of posters and film stills from Hong Kong cinema from the 90s and early 2000s. Although different in plot, the films have an inherent melancholic atmosphere, a reoccurring monochromatic green palette, and are tinged with a sense of loss that can be attributed towards the return of democratic Hong Kong to communist China. As such, I attempt to capture not just the grievance of loss portrayed in these movies but also the chaos, energy, and renewal that comes afterwards. The body of the man in the water symbolizes rebirth, while the numbers "555" are angel numbers related to change, which, as factors that cause and/or are caused by loss, coincide with the thematic narrative of this composition. 

Victoria's Cat

Acrylic on canvas

22 x 24"

Plus 89

Acrylic and pencil crayon on illustration board

12 x 16"

City Mouse

Acrylic, coloured pencil, and graphite on tracing paper

Using Format